
Our Blog Posts

The $10,000 per Student Question for School Districts

Several studies argue about whether repeating a grade is helpful or harmful to students; yet few studies discuss prevention by developing readiness. According to the National Center for Educational Statistics, retaining a child can result in bullying or victimization and increase the likelihood of dropping out of school before graduation. This fact, coupled with the …

Augmented Reality Early Literacy Program for Apple Macs

Alive Studios is introducing the Mac version of its Augmented Reality early literacy software program at the ISTE Expo in Philadelphia, PA. This product release is expected to be welcomed by School Districts who use Mac Technologies exclusively. Letters alive, a supplementary reading software program for 3-8 year olds, will be available for Mac users …

Will Your Summer Program Prevent the Summer Slide?

Some experts say early learners lose up to two years of knowledge retention through the summer months. Make it a summer to remember with our fun, engaging programs for reading and math! Consider adding Letters alive and/or Math alive to your Summer Curriculum: Imagine teaching Reading like this: (90-sec video) Or, teaching Math like this: …

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