Accessories and Merch

Previous Version: Classroom Alphabet Rugs
Previous Version: Classroom Alphabet Rugs. $25 OFF WHILE SUPPLIES LAST! Classroom Alphabet Rugs that come alive in 3D! Note: These previous rugs will NOT work with our NEW Rugs alive Plus app, which has more exciting features!

Printed Set of Math alive Lesson Plans
The Zoo Keeper 123 Boot Camp, Boot Camp Centers, and Math alive Lesson Plans will come printed and 3-hole punched for easy lesson planning and photocopying. Includes over 600 pages of instruction.

Letters alive Zoo Keeper Lesson Plans – Printed Set
Your Zoo Keeper ABC Boot Camp, Boot Camp Centers, Animal a Week Lesson Plans, and Animal a Week Literacy Centers will come printed and 3-hole punched for easy lesson planning and photocopying. Includes over 1,600 pages of instruction.

Replacement Ipevo Document Camera with Extension Stand
V4K-HD adjustable-height replacement document camera

Adult Unisex Hooded Sweatshirt – SuperPower
Adult Unisex Hooded Sweatshirt - Reading is My SuperPower

Child’s Unisex Hooded Sweatshirt – SuperPower
Child's Unisex Hooded Sweatshirt - Reading is My SuperPower