
Augmented Reality Early Literacy Program for Apple Macs

apple-200x200Alive Studios is introducing the Mac version of its Augmented Reality early literacy software program at the ISTE Expo in Philadelphia, PA. This product release is expected to be welcomed by School Districts who use Mac Technologies exclusively.

Letters alive, a supplementary reading software program for 3-8 year olds, will be available for Mac users with OS 10.6 or better. This program includes the world’s first full-year curriculum ever written for early education using Augmented Reality. “Early learners will be taught letters, words, and sentences while being fully engaged by the mind-blowing visual effects of Augmented Reality,” stated Janice Sinclair, Principal at Gerard Prep School and user of the software. Letters alive has 26 animated animals representing the letters of the alphabet that come to life with amazing 3D effects and help students through all the learning activities.

With Apple’s recent purchase of Metaio, a German company making Augmented Reality software, all eyes are on what Apple’s next moves will be. The possibilities are limitless. Augmented Reality technology is already successfully being utilized in the medical, aviation, and entertainment industries. However, Letters alive is one of a small handful of products that has launched in the early education space.

“The PC version of Letters alive has been available for over three years and is currentlyLetters alive augmented reality in education being used in more than 1,000 classrooms around the world. Its low cost and ease of use has made it very popular among schools looking to use technology to fight early literacy problems,” stated Cynthia B. Kaye, CEO (and Chief Zoo Keeper) of Alive Studios. Independent research has proven the effectiveness of using Augmented Reality in an educational program. Kids who were taught with Letters alive realized a 48% increase in letter naming fluency and a 112% increase in letter sound fluency over students not using the Augmented Reality software. More successful results will be released this July from another study using Letters alive with At Risk students.

The release of Letters alive for Mac at the ISTE Expo on June 28 is sure to draw favorable attention with several school districts around the country using Macintosh computers exclusively. “Until now, their younger grades have not had an opportunity to experience Augmented Reality in their literacy programs,“ added Kaye. Alive Studios, the developer of Letters alive, also introduced Math alive earlier this year for PC’s and Mac’s. Math alive is a game-based supplemental math program for 3-8 year olds that features Metaio’s Augmented Reality technology along with 45 skill-based games that provide instant feedback to students.

Product Availability
Alive Studios will begin shipping the Mac version of Letters alive in July 2015. The products are the first of their kind within a full-year curriculum utilizing Augmented Reality for early learners.

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