7-minute read Cynthia B. Kaye Early Education Innovator, EdTech Pioneer, CEO – Alive Studios Zoo The latest NAEP results (Nation’s Report Card) bring alarming but unsurprising news – reading scores have dropped again. Fourth-grade literacy proficiency is continuing to decline, reinforcing a growing crisis in early literacy. As an educator, you see this firsthand. Students …
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“Letters alive brings animals to life in 3D so we can use those to review and practice letters, sounds, concepts of print, science, and more! And yes, we ARE using it virtually!” Guest...
“As you may know, capturing kindergarteners’ attention is not easy in person, much less over a computer. So, I had to get creative. I knew just the resource from my classroom that would do...
Recently, we received a phenomenal success story from a mom whose preschooler is excelling at home with four of our remote learning resources (three of which are FREE!). I instantly knew we had to...
With schools being temporarily closed, we know that educating children at home presents new challenges.